Posts Tagged “Photography”
Whenever we sharpen images we run the risk of introducing halos, especially when there is a big transition from light to dark. This can be seen clearly in the following image There is a white halo that is particularly noticeable on the dark tail and the bill. This can easily be removed in Photoshop…
Back to the cold and wet of the UK after the heat and light of India. Fed the birds and even though it’s been 2 weeks they didn’t take long to appear. Here are a couple of shots of Bullfinches that frequent our garden. Got a phone call from a friend asking if I fancied…
I seem to have problems with identifying Sand Plovers. Even reading about the differences it’s still very difficult. Here are 2 shots that I originally IDed as Greater Sand Plovers but after posting them on Flickr they were questioned. Looking at them more closely you can see the small differences. The Lesser Sand Plover has…
The 1st few days were overcast and the temperature didn’t get too high, the rest of the time was extremely hot with no clouds Generally I did most photography during the 500m walk to the beach along a quiet lane and sat on a sunbed. I had one morning trip out to the largest lake…
26/01/18 Added over 40 images into Birds of Goa and Recent Photographs, Also added another image to the slide show on the home page. Still more to add and I will post a notice when I’ve completed the Birds of Goa gallery. Here’s a small collection from the gallery © 2003-2025 Kevin B Agar
22/01/18 Having returned home from Goa I have added a new gallery ‘Birds of Goa‘ and will add photos as soon as I’ve processed them. They will also appear for a while in ‘Recent Photographs‘ but will roll out of that Gallery as more recent photos are added. I’m also thinking of writing a…
I think I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve heard someone say they haven’t done any post processing because they don’t know how to. The usual comment is ‘I have a copy of Photoshop (insert version here) but when I open it the interface is very busy and I don’t know where to…
I was asked recently on one of my posts how I replaced a blown sky. Here is my solution to the problem. It’s not the perfect answer but is how I do it, and it could probably be done a number of different ways. Sorry this is for Photoshop, but if someone would like to…
Recently I was asked if I knew of a decent tutorial on Masking. I had a quick look via google but didn’t come up with anything related to bird photography Post Processing (Actually I didn’t look very hard)I decided that it would probably be easier if I tried to explain what I do in the…
In a perfect bird photography world the subject would be nicely composed, well exposed and sharp with a nice out of focus background. If only that was always the case. Usually there are distracting elements in the shot, such as these There are several ways to remove them, including cloning, patching and healing. I’ve tried…