A trip to Goa and Birds of Goa gallery now completed

Last Updated on August 1, 2019 by Kevin B Agar

The 1st few days were overcast and the temperature didn’t get too high, the rest of the time was extremely hot with no clouds

Generally  I did most photography during the 500m walk to the beach along a quiet lane and sat on a sunbed.

I had one morning trip out to the largest lake in Goa but it wasn’t very productive.

We did a boat trip that took a few hours but only managed to get a few shots as the beer was flowing freely 😉

We also stayed overnight at a tented beach camp which was very quiet and provided the best birdwatching of the whole Goa trip and a sighting of the local monkeys.

Here is a list of Birds seen

Asian Brown Flycatcher                  *                                            Asian Koel                                        $

Asian Openbill Stork                        *                                           Barn Swallow

Bar-tailed Godwit                                                                         Black Drongo                                    *

Black Kite                                                                                      Black-headed Ibis                            *

Black-rumped Flameback                                                            Black-winged Stilt

Blue-faced Malkoha                       *                                            Blue-tailed Bee-eater                     $

Blyth’s Reed Warbler                      *                                           Brahminy Kite

Bronze-winged Jacana                   *                                           Brown Shrike                                    *

Brown-headed Gull                         *                                           Cattle Egret

Common Sandpiper                                                                    Coot

Cotton Pygmy-goose                      *                                           Curlew

Glossy Ibis                                                                                   Golden Oriole

Great Egret                                                                                 Greater Coucal                                 *

Greater Flameback                          *                                         Greater Sand Plover

Greenshank                                                                                Grey Heron

Grey-headed Swamphen *                                                         Gull-billed Tern

House Crow                                                                                Indian Blackbird                               *

Indian darter                                     *                                         Indian Paradise Flycatcher              *

Indian Peafowl                                 *                                          Indian Pond Heron                          $

Kingfisher                                                                                    Lesser Sand Plover

Lesser Whistling-duck                     *

Little Cormorant                              *                                           Little Egret

Little Green Bee-eater                    $                                           Long-tailed Shrike                           *

Moorhen                                                                                      Oriental Magpie Robin

Pacific Golden Plover                                                                  Purple Heron

Purple-rumped Sunbird                   $                                          Redshank

Red-vented Bulbul                                                                      Red-whiskered Bulbul                     *

Reef Heron                                                                                 Shikra                                              $

Spotted Dove                                                                             Stork-billed Kingfisher

White-bellied Sea-Eagle                                                            White-browed Wagtail                     *

White-throated Kingfisher                                                          Wire-tailed Swallow                        *

I saw a total of 61 different birds of which 23 were lifers (*) plus 6 that were Photographed lifers ($)

During the 2 weeks I took 1652 photographs of which 1375 Photographs were kept

Brahminy Kite, Haliastur indus

So far about 100 photos have been processed.  I process twice, once for this website and Photocamel at 1200px and Once for Flickr at 1600px.  Over time I will probably process another 50 shots.

© 2003-2025 Kevin B Agar

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