Last Updated on August 1, 2019 by Kevin B Agar
Back to the cold and wet of the UK after the heat and light of India. Fed the birds and even though it’s been 2 weeks they didn’t take long to appear. Here are a couple of shots of Bullfinches that frequent our garden.

male Bullfinch, Pyrrhula pyrrhula

female Bullfinch, Pyrrhula pyrrhula
Got a phone call from a friend asking if I fancied a trip to the Yorkshire Arboretum as they had a large influx of Hawfinch. Jumped at the opportunity as I’d never seen Hawfinch and they are not a common bird in Yorkshire. There were loads of people looking for the birds and a couple of areas where they had feeders etc. Managed to get a few shots of the Hawfinch but unable to get anything really clear due to the hoards of other birds. Also couldn’t get very close as there was no cover and the birds were fairly skittish. We didn’t stay long as there is always one idiot who wants to get closer and spooked all the birds. Was still worth the trip as I managed to get a new lifer and photographs of it as well

Hawfinch, Coccothraustes coccothraustes

Hawfinch, Coccothraustes coccothraustes
Afternoon Kevin, Well done on the Hawfinch, we discussed not seeing it in Goa. Are you sure it’s not a blow up model just so you beat me ?. Hope you are both well, lovely shots of the birds in Goa. Regards Roy & Cyndy Brown.
Hi Roy, thanks for the comments. I must confess I was pleased to get shots of the Hawfinch, it’s been on my wanted list for a long time and they are definitely real
Hope you’re both well