A few shots from 10th March 2018

Last Updated on August 1, 2019 by Kevin B Agar

Another day at home with poor weather.  The birds are starting to use the new perches but I need to find a better way of fixing them.  Pigeons, Jackdaws, Rooks and Magpies are too heavy and are either knocking them down or moving them.  Here are a few shots on the perches which I’m still not happy with so will rethink it over the coming months.  I also need to sort out the problem of rats.  They have taken up residence due to the seed that’s falling because of messy birds.  I’ve seen where they are going so will have sort some traps or poison to eradicate them.


Bullfinch, Pyrrhula pyrrhula

Canon EOS 7D Mark II 1/500 s. f/5.6 iso800 EF500mm f/4L IS USM +1.4x




There is a flock of at least 10 Siskin that are coming to the feeders at the moment


Siskin, Carduelis spinus

Canon EOS 7D Mark II 1/500 s. f/5.6 iso800 EF500mm f/4L IS USM +1.4x





Siskin, Carduelis spinus

Canon EOS 7D Mark II 1/500 s. f/5.6 iso800 EF500mm f/4L IS USM +1.4x





Bullfinch, Pyrrhula pyrrhula

Canon EOS 7D Mark II 1/320 s. f/5.6 iso800 EF500mm f/4L IS USM +1.4x




A very scruffy Brambling  that’s been hanging about for a while now.


Brambling, Fringilla montifringilla

Canon EOS 7D Mark II 1/500 s. f/5.6 iso800 EF500mm f/4L IS USM +1.4x




I have also updated the Home Page slide show as I didn’t want it displaying a location map, so I remove location from the images.


© 2003-2025 Kevin B Agar


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